Sunday, May 13, 2012

im back

sooo guys i've been super lazy with my blog as of late but i promise i will try to do better. Now today I had one of those moments where im like "why do i always want what i cant have" I posted this in my lovely wu group and I got an answer :because what you want isn't always what you need." . She has a very valid point. but thats not going to stop me from having a thing for a guy who not only will I probably never speak to again but would have no interest in me cause he seems to be friends with all the really annoying girls who pretended i didnt exsist in high school. I guess everything happens for a reason right? It did make me realize i do NEED a job lol So maybe I can focus on that instead of boys? anyways will try to put up some outfit posts soon as I get a haircut (i look crazy atm) xoxo